Friday, May 2, 2014


This Auzzie is a hoot, and the peeler seems like a real bargain after watching his tricks.


If this seems like the impossible for the ordinary person, think again. I had a friend in college who was a bit on the short side. He dressed in very plain but clean clothes. He was a bit soft spoken also. He had no chance being a salesman, right?

This guy put himself through Wheaton College selling pin cushion and needle threaders door to door on the week ends. People almost always asked why he was doing that, and he simply told them the truth, "I am working my way through college this way." On some weekends he sold packages of toilet paper. He reckoned that most homes were a bit low on the product, and that is only to a panic situation to not having milk or bread on hand. People bought the toilet paper, he and the customer had a good laugh, and he paid his tuition at Wheaton.

This may be the first time his secret has been told. So, never assume you cannot make a few bucks doing something, even selling. Just find something simple that people need, or that they THINK they need.

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