I suspect Chet Atkins got his inspiration from Merle. Any of you readers from Kentucky and Tennessee will love this real music. I especially think of the folks I spoke to in a little Bible church up a coal mining river valley in southern Kentucky in the town of Putney.
For you people who never have been in Kentucky, that "u" in Putney has a pronunciation all its own. The deacon told me if I could not learn to say Putney right I would not get the offering. I learned, and I bet I will go back and visit those folks again some day.
He also told me I had come down there from Detroit, but I would go home to Deee-troit.
So, here is the Nine Pound Hammer, a tool most essential to survival in Kentucky.
I have never seen double wides perched on the side of mountains like in Kentucky. They had one edge against the mountain and the rest of the double wide hanging on thin air. I asked how they got them into those spots and was told with a Caterpillar tractor. Once they get them there they are never moved again.