Bungled Newspaper Statements
Fireworks show to be aired on radio.
Dogs and Cats on Menu at Shelter Adoption Luau.
The dead man was described as white, aged between 30 or 40, with an Irish accent.
He was advised to force fluids through his interpreter
He killed the man with his bear hands.
Susan Wadsworth requested that she be cremated before her death.
Defendant was charged with carless driving.
She drives a turk for a construction company.
Senators are chosen as committee chairmen on the basis of senility.
The pistol of a flower is its only protection against insects.
The patient walks six blocks now. The doctor told him it may take a year to come back.
I wish to thank all who so kindly assisted in my husband's death.
On Thanksgiving morning we could smell the foul cooking.
When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room.
Family Catches Fire Just in Time, Chief Says
Mangled Newspaper Headlines
Astronauts Practice Landing on Laptops
Preventive Health Service For Women Being Cut In Half
Two Cars Collide One Sent To Hospital
Collegians Are Turning To Vegetables
Man Killed Over Phone
FBI Agent Shoots Man With Knife
Town To Drop School Bus When Overpass Is Ready
Woman Fatally Mauled Assigned Indoor Job
Study Says Snoring Drivers Have More Accident